I was invited to participate in a Blog Tour and I couldn't turn it down because I think it is such a great idea! I love the blogging community and how supportive and amazing all of the people are that I've met.

One gal I’m particularly loving is Kristine from Living Barefoot and Crazy who also happens to be the one that invited me to partake in the Blog Tour. Thanks Kristine!
Kristine is a down to earth country girl from Washington who loves her fiance, fur babies and coaching volleyball. She is in the process of planning her wedding for next year and has already put a HUGE dent in the wedding planning process (I'm so jealous because I JUST started my own planning.) Make sure to go check her out!
Living Barefoot and Crazy

What am I working on?
I am currently working on a bunch of things including growing this blog and trying to figure out what the hell I'm doing with it. The next step I want to take is to start sponsoring blogs to gain a little more exposure and meet some other bloggers. I am also working on designing a theme for the blog design and I hope to work with a designer this fall/winter to get a cohesive feeling for the whole website

How does my work differ from others of its type/genre?
I think that my blog differs from others in that there really isn't a theme. I know there are a ton of “lifestyle” blogs out there but I don't believe that I necessarily fit in that niche. I'm trying to keep topics fresh so I don't pigeonhole myself into a certain genre. As of now I've mostly been doing pieces about myself and trying to persuade people to think I’m interesting. (Is it working?)

Why do I write what I do?
I write a little bit of everything and that’s why I chose the title Sincerely and Sarcastically. I'm still a little afraid that the title is too generic which will make others pass over it but I think it fits me perfectly. It allows me to write about the serious topics (sincerely) but also the witty opinion posts (sarcastically). I’m still in the beginning stages of developing this space but I don’t want that part of the blog to ever change. I want to show my personality, which is sincere but sarcastic.

How does my writing process work?
It starts out by me spinning around in my swivel office chair eating sour patch kids waiting for inspiration to hit me (read: nausea.) When that doesn't work, I procrastinate by trolling through Facebook and Twitter and then complain about how I'm a terrible writer. AFTER I stop acting like a sulky teenager I'll click on a few of my past Draft documents in Blogger and read through those to see if anything tickles my fancy. If the Drafts don’t make me scream “WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!" I’ll develop it and go from there. What I’m currently loving is Helene and Taylor's Blogtober, it really is helping me get out of a writing rut.
Blogs I'm Currently Crushing On:
There are so many great blogs out there that it's hard to keep up with them all.  But a couple ladies that I've really been enjoying are:

Truth Be Told

Haley and I have been communicating back and forth through comments for a few months and I'm so glad we found each other because this girl is hilarious. Go check out her blog where you will find hilarious stories involving crazy things her husband does and adorable pictures of her baby girl Alina - who makes the cutest pooping faces (haha!). Make sure to stop by and say HI to her!

I met Diana recently and I'm already in love with her blog. She studied Interior Design and now works as a designer for a furniture company, HOW cool is that? She just posted this delicious recipe the other day which has had me drooling ever since. Stop in and say HI to her and make sure to check out her Etsy shop!

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Spiders are Asshats - and Blogtober Pet Peeves


I'm Not Fashionable.. Blogtober Day 16