Blogtober Day 5: Fall Bucket List

Helene in Between Blogtober

The other day I ranted like a jerk about how people force seasons down our throats and how we all celebrate too early. But now that it is officially October.. I am loving it. I am on Day 5 of this blogging challenge with Helene and Taylor and I don't want to jinx myself.. but I'm pretty pleased with myself for blogging 5 days in a row so far.

Fall Bucket List

1) Pumpkin patch. Obviously. We have a plethora of them in NEPA / NY so I pretty much have the pick of the litter. I love carving them but not as much as I love going through the guts to collect the seeds to bake.

2) Haunted House(s). Last year I surprised Paco and took him to one. It was awesome. This year I want to go back plus I found another one in our area that I'm excited to check out.

3) Hay Ride Bar Crawl / Poker Run. Yes, a bar in my hometown holds an annual hayride where we can ride on wagons full of hay bales from bar to bar. We stop at every bar, get a card from each bar and whoever has the best "hand" wins money at the end of the night. It's pretty much the best thing ever.

4) NOT raking leaves. We plan to just mulch them into oblivion with the lawnmower. Raking leaves is probably the worst job in the world because even though you rake and rake and rake you make no progress because the leaves keep falling! Or the wind blows them around. Ugh. Great workout though until you get blisters.

5) Homemade pumpkin pie. Not make it - just eat it. I don't have patience for that nonsense.

6) Cider mill for homemade donuts and cider. No explanation needed.

7) Do something fun for my Birthday. Which is October 24th and I don't have any plans for it yet. Ideas please?!

8) HALLOWEEN. With Halloween being my favorite Holiday and all.. I look forward to it all year! I normally pass out candy at my mom's house but this year.. I'd like to do something different.

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