Blogtober Day 4: Favorite Instagram Photo

Helene in Between Blogtober

Currently, I only have 261 photos on Instagram.. I'm so lame. When I first downloaded the app I had no idea how to work it or the purpose of it. I just knew that everyone was using it so I drank the kool-aid and joined the club. I didn't post much on there at first because I didn't feel like I had anything "post worthy." My feed has the cliché beer car, coffee cup, wine glass, bagel bite, dog nose, snowy tree, pot of flowers theme. It hasn't been until recently that I've embraced this app and started to use it more regularly.

Sidenote: My first post was 133 weeks ago. How long has Instagram been around?

It was fun to scroll through my whole feed and look back at the photos I've posted. It was hard to pick just one photo because a lot of them have "meaning." Like the photo of Bailey when we first brought her home. Or the photo of her eating ice cream for her 1st birthday. Or the picture of my FIRST margarita on my FIRST beach vacation with Paco. Or the day I got my new car. Or photos of my nephew.

 I didn't think I was that sentimental until I had to pick one. Which is this one:

 These two have my heart forever.

But.. Since I have given 2 or 3 answers to every prompt so far because I'm a giant cheater cheater pumpkin eater..

My second favorite photo is one of Bailey (of course) and its when we were watching the Miley Cyrus MTV VMA performance with the giant signing cat. Bailey was SO mesmerized/terrified it was hilarious.

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Blogtober Day 5: Fall Bucket List


Blogtober Day 3: I Can't Live Without...