Life Lately - 2016 Edition

Welcome to 2016! I hope you all had a great New Year! I'm going to take it easy today since I'm suffering from the post holiday blues and give you a short update of what's going on.

- First and foremost - Making a Murderer on Netflix. WHAT?! If you're not currently watching this PLEASE stop whatever you are doing and go watch this documentary series on Netflix right now. There are no words to describe how incredible it is.

- Working on my sister's baby shower. She is due with her 2nd child in May and I am over the moon excited. We're planning a shower for the middle of March with a color scheme of baby blue and gold.

- Starting the 21 Day Fix. Anyone else use this program? It seems pretty legit and straight forward. It's all based on eating healthy portions of real foods and exercise. I have been uncomfortable in my skin for the past few months and with our upcoming honeymoon in February I wanted to get back on track and tone up so I can frolic carelessly on the beach in a bikini. My only concern is the meal prepping part.. it's a lot of work.

- Organizing spare rooms that are filled to the brim with wedding stuff. After the wedding I threw everything in totes and boxes and never looked at them again. This weekend I started the process of sorting through that mess but I still have a long way to go. I haven't even touched our wedding photos yet (sneak peak below.)

- I'm feeling crafty lately. I'm trying to think of something fun to do with our wedding cards. I originally planned on hole punching and binding them together to create a book.. but I think I might want to do something more creative with them. Any ideas?

- Winter has FINALLY hit NEPA. Right now The Weather Channel says it's 5 degrees outside but feels like -13 so that is kind of soul crushing. Tomorrow doesn't look much better.

- I finally embraced the world of Starbucks. Hi, my name is Nancy and I'm addicted to Starbucks. Thankfully I don't live near one because otherwise I would try to live in a Starbucks, work at a Starbucks, marry the founder of Starbucks, and have perfect little Starbucks babies and name them Vanilla Bean Cream and Salted Caramel Mocha. I am alarmed at how quickly my love for them escalated.

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Life Lately: April 2016


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