Five on Friday

Friday, you're one sexy lady and I love you.

The first week back to work after a tropical vacation can only be described as miserable, exhausting and cruel. I'll update you on the details of that amazing adventure when I get the ambition to load the 100 beach margarita photo's from my iPhone sometime this weekend.

1) The cold. 
It's still here. And it's still brutal. And I still hate it.

2) House of Cards. 
LOVE. IT. Paco and I have been binging on the new season and have only 4 more episodes left in our Netflix queue so I bet we'll finish that this weekend.

3) Bloody Marys.
I've only had a handful of these tomato concoctions in my lifetime but recently I've been craving them and recreating them at home. I haven't found the perfect balance of ingredients yet, but I'm having fun trying.

4) Save-the-Dates.
Our Save-the-Dates were mailed out early this week and I've already received many messages from friends and family expressing their excitement about our big day! It's finally becoming real..

5) R.I.P.P.E.D. 
With less than 6 months to go before the wedding I figured it was time to start worrying about fitting into that very expensive white dress I purchased a couple months ago... So I headed to my first RIPPED class and holy shit.. what a workout. RIPPED stands for Resistance. Interval. Power. Polymetric. Endurance. Diet. It is an intense workout and I urge you to find a class ASAP if you're looking for a new workout.

Have any of you tried a RIPPED workout yet? Or mastered a perfect Bloody Mary recipe?

I hope you all have a great weekend!

Linking up with September Farm & A. Liz Adventures

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Confession Session


5 Things - Friday Edition: Robots, STD's and Fake Nails