Never Have I Ever.

The other day I told you that I've never baked cookies by myself which got me to thinking of other "common" things I've never done. (Read: I am a lame ass.)

Never Have I Ever:

Cooked a pot roast/roast beef.
Growing up this was a staple in our house. I looked forward to the days when Mom had a big hunk of pot roast in the oven with mashed potatoes and homemade gravy. Although I love that meal more than anything.. I've never cooked it myself.

Had my own apartment.
I received a partial scholarship for college with one of the stipulations being that I live on campus all four years to "experience" the college life. Living in a dorm didn't bother me since I have 3 sisters and I shared a room my whole life. After sophomore year though I opted to pay for a single dorm room which I loved. It was like my own apartment. My very tiny, single 1 bedroom apartment, with 500+ roommates.

College Life

Dyed my hair pink or some other crazy color.
I was pretty boring growing up. Well, I guess the right word would be responsible. I think my mother would have killed me if I came home with hot pink or blue hair. Even when I got into my teenage years I didn't care to do something crazy like that since I always had a job and I assumed employers didn't like the rebellious teen look.

Gotten a tattoo.
Sure, I've thought about it. But not seriously. My sister has a few and I love hers but I am just too chicken. And cheap. And indecisive. Therefore- no ink for me.

Driven a stick shift car.
Paco has tried to teach me a few times but I am just un-teachable when it comes to driving standard.

Eaten sushi.
The thought doesn't really interest me.

Played a sport.
I wasn't on a basketball, softball, or baseball team growing up. I was a cheerleader in high school though.

Had braces.
Although, I think I could have benefited from them I never had braces.

Traveled for work.
I am SO jealous of all you people who fly around the country for work. Hook a sister up.

Fired a gun.
Growing up in NEPA this is hard to believe since the majority of people I know are hunters.

Been to Disneyland or Disneyworld.
Maybe one day when I have kids I'll take them?

Watched Gone with the Wind.
I have no idea how I managed to avoid this movie since my mother and sister love it. But I've never watched the whole thing.

Read the classics.
Such as Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice, Catcher in the Rye and so on.

Been out of the country.
Minus a class trip to Canada in the 6th grade I've never been out of the U.S.

Had a fancy Starbucks drink.
I drink black coffee therefore skinny latte mochas cupcake milkshake sprinkle sparkle drinks are not my style.

Dunking Donuts Coffee large Black

Not bitten my nails.
I am a terrible nail biter and cannot quit no matter how much I try.

What are some of your "Never Have I Evers?"

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Knock it Off, Monday! + Weekend Things