Things I should have done this weekend.

Monday's are not that tough when you only have 3 days of work ahead of you before the glorious feast known as Thanksgiving. I wasn't all too excited about the Holiday until this morning when I realized I only had to endure 3 more days of my hellish 5:30 a.m. wake up call before I could start drinking heavily without feeling guilty because duh, Thanksgiving is for drinking heavily without judgment.

You can quote me on that.

I feel like every year around this time my body goes into hibernation mode where I try to salvage all of the "down" time I can get before my schedule is bombarded with family parties, shopping, and last minute work deadlines. I had a whole list of things I should have done this weekend but, yeah, none of them happened.

In a perfect world, I would have done at least SOME of the following things this weekend:

- review and order engagements photos
- clean the bathroom
- vacuum the downstairs, staircase, and upstairs
- finish blog post drafts (I have about 50)
- mop kitchen floor
- hang up photos and shelves in newly painted kitchen (Home Improvement)
- clean out my car
- make appointment for snow tires (The S Word)
- make rice krispie treats (my spin on this classic recipe coming soon)
- exercise
- schedule a haircut
- start and complete one of the 3 million Pinterest projects from my Craft Board
- clean out my closet and donate unused items to the Salvation Army
- start Christmas shopping
- put on real clothes
- pay bills
- figure out wtf I'm doing for wedding stuff
- return clothes to TJ Maxx
- take a nap
- update my resume

So you see, I actually had a lot of things to complete this weekend but in reality all I did was the following:

- watched Netflix until my eyes hurt
- drank boxed wine

My lack of weekend activities also means a lack of photos; however, Iā€™m sure my weekend looked a little something like this:

border collie, sheets, dog, bedding

Anyway, Happy Monday!

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Things That (You Forgot) Suck


A Few Observations...