The S Word.

I hate the "S" word. Actually, I hate a few "S' words and unfortunately they are common occurrences in my neck of the woods.

Snow. Slush. Storms. Sleet. Slippery. Shiver. Skating. Skiing. Snowmobiling. Snowboarding. Shoveling. Sledding. Snow tires. Sneeze. Sniffle. Snot. SAD.

All of these S words can be attributed to NEPA winters. And let me preface this by saying I understand our winters have nothing on some of the other areas in the world but I'm a giant wuss so bear with me. I started thinking about all of these "S" words today when I woke up and saw a fresh coat of snow blanketing the ground.


Obviously I didn't take a picture of it, because.. I hate it but I also wasn't prepared to deal with such a travesty so early in the morning (on my FIRST day back to work after 10 glorious days of stay-cation.)

To me it looked like this..


In reality it probably looked more like this..


And to be fair – I can’t say I actually “hate” skating, skiing, snowmobiling, and snowboarding because I've never done ANY of those activities. Yes, I have managed to be a PA resident for 28 years and never partake in any of those sports. Why? Because I hate cold weather and snow.

Anyway. Happy Monday.

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Thankful Thursday


I could get used to this.. Stay-cation without Pants.