Home Improvements

I've lived in my current house for the past 4+ years. In those 4 years I have done little (read: none) in the terms of decorating. Meaning the walls are still white and bare. I don't have kitchen curtains. The only photos in my house are on bookshelves since I'm too lazy to actually hammer a nail into the wall to hang them up properly.

When I decided to take a week off of work for a much needed stay-cation I had no intention of starting home improvement projects. But I currently have my entire kitchen torn apart and a can of Benjamin Moore paint calling my name (read: Why did I do this to myself?)

paint, Benjamin moore, home decor

Since I took a full week off I figured I may as well make the most of it and tackle projects I've been meaning to do for the last ... 4 years. And speaking of 4 years... where the hell did that time go? I'd like it back please and thank you.

Wish me luck!

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