My Favorite Fall Recipe is Alcohol..

Helene in Between Blogtober

I do not cook. Well, let me rephrase that. I do not cook often. Blame it on the fact that I was lucky enough to have a stay at home Mom who was an excellent cook. Or buying the most expensive meal plan in college. Or never having an apartment as a young adult. The first time I had a kitchen of my own was when Paco and I started to live together.

But since Paco works late most nights the idea of cooking a three-course meal to sit by myself and eat is not too appetizing so a lot of the time I eat small meals (aka drink wine and chips.)

So, instead of trying to walk you through some recipe I have probably massacred at one point I am going to give you a family recipe that I have down to a science. You are welcome.

Champagne Punch.. yes I'm giving you a recipe for an alcoholic punch but seriously it is my favorite fall recipe. Of course this can be made during any season of the year but in my family we save it for the Fall season as a way to celebrate the upcoming Holidays. I look forward to this punch every year.

champagne punch drinks
Just double recipe if you have a lot of guests!
champagne punch drinks
Mom's hand written recipe 

champagne punch drinks
I don't put fruit in mine.. because it gets in the way when I'm trying to drink. 

What about you? Any favorite recipes?

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