Blogtober Day 2: When I Grow Up

Helene in Between Blogtober

When reading this prompt I instantly panicked. “I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up!”

(Well I don't know now since I can't be Brad Pitt or George Clooney's wife anymore.. RIP childhood dreams.), the hills

When I was younger, I just assumed that when I was a "grown up" I’d know what to do so I didn’t need to worry about it. But now as each year passes I'm still clueless as to where I see myself in a year, or two, or ten. See why I panicked? 

 Looking back.. of course I had the obvious aspirations of every normal little girl growing up..

“Figure skater! Movie star! Singer! QVC host!” --- err what? 

Yeah.. I wanted to be the host of one of those home shopping network shows (secretly I still do…) 


I was always envious of those who knew exactly what they wanted to do in the future. Those that picked a specific college to pursue a dream and then graduated with a job lined up. (Do these people exist?) I was completely enamored with "those" people in college because I was all like .. 

“uh yeah, um I’m currently majoring in.. well, I’m actually an undeclared major.. you know those who want to .. prolong.. thinking ‘bout stuff.. But I think I might like to do work.. in offices. With people.. or without people. You know? I love lamp.” 

lamp, anchorman

The fact that anyone let me into a college with such clear career goals still bewilders me. 

But lo and behold I graduated with a degree in Mass Communications/PR/Journalism. Even after that I still had no idea what I wanted to do. I hopped, skipped, jumped and then crawllllllled from a summer long radio station internship, to my first real hell job, and finally to where I've been currently working for the last 3 years.

I’m so thankful to be employed but I can’t help but feel there is something greater and bigger out there for me. I need to find a career that I am completely passionate about, although I’m not quite certain what that is yet.. Do I know where I plan to go from here? Not really. 

Actually, no not at all. I can see myself doing so many things that it’s hard to pick one category on a job search site. I guess I’ll just keep doing what I’m doing for now until I find that passion I've been craving. 

 (or until Pitt and Clooney come to their senses.... )


Sincerely and Sarcastically,



Blogtober Day 3: I Can't Live Without...


Blogtober Day 1: SHOW ME THE MONEY! What I'd do if I Won the Lotto!